Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Monday = Marrying

Yesterday I went in to marry couples. I wasn't there last week because of the house guests. I saw Angelina taking a couple up to marry as I walked in. I told her I would put my purse and coat up and I would do the wedding. Then I found out my badge no longer worked to open secure doors. Had I been laid off because I took off Christmas week? No, all badges had been changed and I was given a new one.

I got upstairs and and the clerk who had covered for me last week and had done the weddings yesterday was estactic I was there. She grabbed me, hugged me, and then did her Happy Dance. Last Monday she had done 21 weddings. Yesterday she was building to that. I took over and started marrying. I did one and then nothing for an hour. And then they started coming in. The lobby was packed and I didn't see daylight for the next 3 1/2 hours. I performed 10 more weddings. And not couple felt rushed out of the room.

One wedding was just lovely. The bride in long white chiffon, her hair in a French twist, and a rose bouquet. He had a black suit on and they had attendants dressed up. There were maybe 20 guests. I checked the license and her date of birth looked wrong, 1990. She looked 25, but it was correct. And a mature 18, she was running the show.

I married an older couple, he was 70 and she was in her 50's. The bride had on slacks and a nice top. Also she had a chenille boa and a tiara that said Bride with a veil. They had been married by a priest and now were doing a civil marriage with a license. The only request she had was that I would say, "You may now kiss your Bride." She had been very disappointed the priest left that out. I thought that was sweet.

And I had a military wedding. He was in the Navy, very, very polite. Yes Ma'am, no Ma'am. Very stiff and military. She was in white with flowers and they had friends with them. All through the ceremony he was serious and quiet. She was very happy and smiley. After I said you may kiss your Bride, he dipped her to the floor and kissed her big time. They looked like the picture from the end of WWII in Times Square, the sailor and the young woman dipped to the street. They made my day.

There were others: An older couple who said their vows privately in Spanish. The couple from India who wouldn't kiss in front of their families. The terrified bride who said, " Oh it will be Ok, she has on apple earrings and her name is Appel." It seems she collects apples and felt I was good luck for her.

All and all a lovely busy day. Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. They told me sometimes it is as busy as Valentine's Day. That could be interesting.

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