Friday, February 6, 2009

Scattered thoughts

Thought 1

Yesterday I hosted a brunch for friends. They brought wonderful salads and I made a frittata and dessert. I felt very Donna Reed even June Cleaver and went whole hog: tablecloth, linen napkins, sterling, Haviland china, and Randy Strong gold leaf water glasses. I even used my grandmother's salt cellars. Today, Lean Cuisine at the kitchen table. Nothing like variety in life.

Thought 2

Background: We are in California and people have to mow lawns 12 months of the year. It is raining, has been for a couple of days. The grass is really wet. Today the blow and go crew came. They cut the neighbors lawn, can you say mashed down and chewed? And then they "blew" all our wet magnolia blooms and pine needles off the walk. And yes it was raining while they did this. Well, they are fairly cheap and as you can see faithful.

Thought 3

I called Mother today to check on Papa Jack. He is doing well. He reads the news online everyday. He tried this afternoon and of course can't work the mouse left handed. The cast on the right arm and the pain make it impossible to use that arm. I am trying to convince my Mother (who is almost 92) to work the mouse for him. Until they got the new computer she played games online. But with the new DSL and faster computer, the mouse is too fast for her to control, too many things open up. I kept telling her that it didn't matter if four boxes opened up, nothing was broken. Maybe she will try again. I think it is cool a 92 year old even knows what a computer mouse is.

Thought 4

Why do good authors go bad? I have tried reading a book all week. I love this woman's work. But I could not plow through it. I knew after 30 pages everything that was going to happen. I read another 80 pages and thought boring. I did a Noemi and read the last 2 chapters. I was right. The book telegraphed every move and was tritely written. So skip Prepared for Rage by Dana Stabenow. She really is a much better author than this book.

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