Tuesday, February 17, 2009


So many things to write about, what to tell. I think I will write about my family in Louisville.

Two weeks ago Papa Jack fell on the ice and he shattered his right wrist. (yes, he is right handed) He then had to have surgery on the wrist. Jack had a very rough week. Major pain, no use of the right hand. But he is improving greatly. He saw the surgeon today and is healing fine. He is now allowed to drive and do most anything except lift with the right hand.

Then last Thursday night my SIL Ann ( She is a nurse and was doing much of the care giving for Papa Jack) caught a violent bug. That is so a medical term. She dehydrated in about 2 hours and collapsed with a fastly falling blood pressure. EMS took her to the hospital and lots of unpleasant tests were run. As I said she had a bug/virus. She is doing fine now. But she scared my brother something awful. He called me, Big Sister, while waiting in ER. With the 3 hour time difference he knew I would be up and would talk to him while he waited. But the phone didn't ring and the message didn't come through for 10 hours. I felt so awful I wasn't there for him.

These are the times that make living so far away hard. I am not there to help. They told me they would tell me to come if they needed me. So much falls on Henry Hall (Hank to the rest of the world) and Ann. And I do appreciate so much all they do.

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