Friday, March 27, 2009

Friday Weddings

Today I subbed for friend Joe at the marriage factory. I was there from 8:30 until 1:30 when the next volunteer showed up. The clerk from Hell was a little better. All but one license were correct. But the the bad one was a doozy.

I looked at it. The bride and groom bought the license yesterday. They came back today with witnesses to add to the license and to get married. The couple had signed their names and put in today's date. Plus the groom had added something like retired marine. I couldn't make all of that out. I took it back to the clerk and said what is this? She says they were drunk and insisted on adding the dates and military stuff. I told her the state would not take a license dated there, especially with the wrong date. And they won't take anything besides their names. She just looked at me and then went back to what she was doing. This time I took it to the over all big time supervisor. The supervisor handled it. I have heard from several people the clerk from Hell is in trouble with every department she has worked in.

Now back to the fun part. Joe has said he never has the strange weird people I have. I think what he called me was a weird magnet. You know what, he may be right. All 9 couples were normal lovely people. What's the fun in that?

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