Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I hate to brag, but today I had a very GOOD HAIR DAY. I knew this going out today. I had a hair cut Tuesday. And today I left the house feeling good. When I leaned out the car window to get my parking ticket, two men standing by the machine said, "Lovely hair." Not good, not great, Lovely. A very special word. In the elevator later two men told me they loved my hair. And then several others told me how great my hair was. I may be a senior citizen, but I still have it from the neck up. Ladies, if you have white or grey hair, go pink or burgundy. Forget the boring blond. Men love pink and burgundy, all races, all ethnic groups.

The clerk from Hell was still making errors today. I didn't deal with her, I just gave the license to one of her supervisors and she handled it. I did a wedding today where I didn't know where to look. Clerk A brought me the license and said the bride almost has on a white dress. I went out to get them. OMG She is a lovely young woman, almost beautiful. But the dress, way too short and too tight. When she sat down the dress did not cover the sitting area. Cheeks hanging out. And the bust, way too tight and the girls were trying to escape, and they almost made it. If the dress had been just one size, well maybe two, bigger it would have been fine.

Tonight Marty and I watched American Idol. The theme was Motown. It is getting really tough to decide who to give your vote. They are all so very good. Even when they mess up they are better than Taylor Hicks who won a couple of years ago. The very very best tonight was Adam. He got rid of the black nail polish, combed his hair back, and wore a suit. He looked very Motown. And he was incredible. He blew everyone away. The judges couldn't say enough good things. Allison was wonderful also. Lil Rounds I thought did great, but the judges didn't think so. My lovely Michael did OK and that is just not good enough at this point.

I think Scott, Michael, and Megan will be in the bottom three. At least they should be. But from last week we know it boils down to how America votes. Tomorrow we will see.

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