Friday, March 13, 2009


First thanks for the emails and comments checking on my health. I was so out of it, I wonder what I wrote back to some of you. I wasn't tracking real well for several days. A couple of days I didn't even go on the computer.

It has been an awful week. Lots of bad stomach problems, we won't discuss that. And lots of weakness. I would be up 10 minutes and sleep 4 hours. Some days I slept close to 20 hours. This was a mean nasty bug. How mean was it? I haven't had any chocolate since last Saturday afternoon. One really good thing from the great illness. . . weight reduction. A hard way to do it, but I figure I lost 5 to 10 pounds. With my weight problems, I take it anyway I can.

I hope that next week will be back to normal, school and weddings. I missed both.


  1. glad you are feeling better!

  2. Glad to hear you're feeling better. What a terrible bug. Yes, there's always a silver lining. Goodbye to the pounds, but what a way to go...

  3. hi Janet A, Sorry you're sick & glad you're better. I missed the weekly wedding report & just checked in for that. Getting withdrawal symptoms. It doesn't help that I didn't see the Sunday NYT wedding section last week either...
