Sunday, April 19, 2009


Today at my front door, in the shade, it was 88 degrees. We live in the cool part of the Bay Area. We usually have lovely cooling fog this time of year. It burns off and it might get up to 70 degrees ( which is too hot for me) and comes back in at night. It is only April, this is the kind of weather we have in September or October. When we do get a little bit warm, the temperature will drop 15 to 20 degrees by early evening.

I nearly cut the air conditioner on today. The house wasn't hot, but it wasn't comfortable. We had guests, I was cooking, two ovens going, and burners on. Not nice in the kitchen. Did I say it was hot? Well it was.

Marty was showing friend Janet R and her husband Frank how to divide cymbidium orchids. I stood in the shade with a sun hat on. They were in the sun working. I brought water, beer, and deviled eggs to help them keep up their strength. We were all wilted by the time we sat down to lunch.

Later this afternoon I have been sitting with the fan aimed at me. As I said, I don't do heat. I just went out to check the temperature. I thought I would open up and let the house cool down. At 7:10 P.M. it was 83 degrees. It is still cooler inside, just not cool. Tomorrow is to be hotter.

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