Wednesday, May 27, 2009


We are taking a trip tomorrow. And this will involve an airplane. I hate flying, I fear flying, I don't want to do this. As we found out last week, my pills do not help me stay calm. So I may take the old Valium, I may just drink Bourbon or Bloody Marys.

I am an agoraphobic and flying is the major reason I did group counseling. It sort of worked. After 10 happy years of not flying, I got back on planes. Right now just thinking about tomorrow, I am sick at my stomach and tearful.

So tomorrow and the trip back June 4 will be very hard. How about some happy thoughts and prayers for me, please.

We will have limited Internet access. If possible I will blog about our trip home while in Kentucky. If that doesn't work out, I will be back June 4. When we get back I should have pix of the houses and family gatherings.

Oh, and to all you burglars: new monitored alarm, neighbors and dogs watching the house, and the moat has alligators in it.


  1. good thoughts and poor babies galore are being sent your way my dear!

  2. Janet, just wanted to let you know that your fellow aerophobe has been thinking about you today... I hope all went swimmingly on the flights, and that you have time/access to blog while you're in KY!
