Sunday, June 28, 2009


The Bay Area is having a little heat wave. Yesterday in Oakland it was 90 ( guess who was making glass and dying in the heat) and on the other side of the tunnel over 100, some places as high as 108. Today it is hotter. Thank goodness we have AC. But guess which side of the tunnel our church is on.

You are correct, the hot side. And the church is NOT air conditioned. Now this would have been a good Sunday and a smart Sunday to skip church. Well we did that last Sunday and won't be going next Sunday. Really needed to go today. Plus our Wine and Dine group was meeting after church for lunch. This is a church group, so it would have been awkward meeting after church.

When we arrived it was in the low 90s at 10:00. The sanctuary was not unbearable, but was uncomfortable. Let us say not a dry thread on me after the service. And the hair, not a pretty picture. Melted cotton candy. When we came out, 102.

We went to lunch just down the street. Restaurants always have AC don't they? Well theirs wasn't on when we arrived. About an hour later it came on, by then it was too late. I was wilted. We had fun though. Some of us, men and women, are just a little bitchy and catty. A good time was had by all.

As we drove home we watched the temperature slowly drop from 108 to 92 as we came out of the tunnel. And what did I do when we got home. Iron. Yes, more heat. It had to be done. But I was in AC, on the lower level, with a fan blowing on me. Not too bad.

Marty just told me it has dropped to 84. Maybe the fog is coming in. Can you tell I don't do heat?

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