Sunday, June 7, 2009


Hank and Ann live in a lovely Victorian house built in 1886. It has been many things: family home, a bordello, a dorm for seminary students. It has many ghosts who are friendly. They kept hiding my comb and my lingerie ended up folded under Marty's socks. They even played with my laptop. The house is huge. Our guest bedroom was as large as my living room and dining room combined. Their butler's pantry has more cabinets and counter tops than my kitchen. And the basement. . .2000 square feet. Bigger than my whole house. Now add three more floors on top of that. I love this home to visit. But glad I don't have to heat, cool, or clean it.

Looking from the foyer into the living room. The walls are over a foot thick.

Thr front stairs and one of many stained glass windows.

Foyer, hall, and front stairs.

Butler's pantry.

Dining room, note two tables.

Ann and me in front of the house. It is painted brick.

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