Sunday, August 2, 2009


Do I have the perfect husband? Yes, yes I do, in more ways than one. (And sometime when I am drunk enough, I will tell you how hard it is to live with a perfect person.) I told you he cooked the risotto dinner, and tonight he washed dishes. But this afternoon he won the award for perfect husband of all times. Sister in law Ann told me today Marty is wonderful, or words to that effect. And she has a perfect husband, Little Brother.

I have told you how much I love gardenias. They are such wonderful exquisite flowers. So what did the perfect husband do? Read and learn.

For months Marty has worked on our lone surviving gardenia plant. And it blooms and blooms. But today, he planted four new gardenias. One above and one below our struggling gardenia plant. And two more were planted to the far side of it. They are planted in hardware wire to thwart the gophers. The new plants are a different variety from the one we already have. So it will be fun to watch how they develop and bloom. Will they bloom as much, will they bloom at all? I will let you know.

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