Sunday, September 13, 2009


Today the Montclair Village, which is close to us, had their Jazz and Wine Festival. Most of the streets were closed for the event, so parking was impossible. Even when the streets are open, it is close to impossible to park. Marty's parking karma was not working today. We gave up and went to the parking garage and paid the $5.

Lots of good food booths. Marty picked a place that had catfish. Unfortunately I picked a place with pulled pork and cole slaw. Not pulled very well, large pieces too big for the sandwich, no Bar B Q sauce on it, and it was cold. Cole slaw tasted pretty good, but needed to be drained. Some day I will remember you can not get good pulled pork in California.

There were craft and art booths also. And lots of health related vendors.

Thousands of people. And 1/4 of them had dogs. Dogs that did not like the other dogs.

More booths. The number one tacky item being sold was aprons. Tacky tacky aprons. Lots of booths were selling them. They were styled after 1950's aprons, but the material was very busy reversible prints. Awful.

The stage for the jazz bands. We sat and ate our lunch and listened. Did I mention I hate jazz? Marty loves it, so I get points for not bitching. We sat until he was ready to go.

It was a nice Sunday afternoon.

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