Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Tuesday I worked with my first graders. This seems to be a sweet, gentle class. I don't see any divas, as we had last year. No future gang members are obvious. Of course the year is young. We will see how it progresses.

I worked one on one with some of the children having trouble with sight words. They would say the word and then they had to use it in a sentence. Even if they didn't know the word, they had to use it in a sentence. Some of the sentences were amazingly complex. Yet they didn't know the word. It seems verbal skills are high this year.

I read them a story which I love doing. I really get into the tones of the characters. And I am very good at letting everyone see the pix for a long time. That is what the children really want, to see the pictures and to comment.

And today the wedding. Yes only one. BACKGROUND: Clerk M has a running silly joke with me. He will come to me, lean over the cubicle and ask,"You don't speak Vietnamese do you?" I always say,"No M, I don't." Monday I gave him a hard time about that and as I left I told him, "M, I still don't speak Vietnamese."

Today he came in and said, " You don't speak Cambodian, do you." I nearly choked. I did do the wedding, the bride understood English, but was leery of speaking it. The bride did fine with English, and it was a sweet wedding.

I can't wait to see what language M will want from me on Monday.

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