Monday, October 5, 2009


Last week I was feeling puny and missed both days of marrying couples. But today I was back. I married 5 couples. It was good to be back.

Two weddings stand out to me.

The couple was young. He was almost without emotion, she was shy. I found an error on the license, so we reprinted. I took them upstairs and they re signed the new license. He just seemed to not want to be there. I started the ceremony, and he began to beam. He absolutely glowed with love for her. And she glowed back at him. It really was sweet, they are so in love. I took them down to have the marriage recorded and to get their certified copy. The clerk found another mistake. They signed for the third time. I told them it would be a story to tell their grandchildren. Finally we got everything corrected and they got their certified copy. Thankfully they were so happy to be married that they didn't get upset.

Another couple was a little harder to work with. They were from Laos. He spoke very good English, she spoke none. He was in his 30s, she was 19. They had their beautiful 4 month old daughter with them. The groom was going to translate for her with help from the witness. I always worry that the non English speaking person may not be getting the true story. I began the ceremony. The bride had been very shy, quiet, standoffish. During the ceremony she began to smile. Evidently she understood some English. When I asked if she took him as her husband she grinned, nodded yes, and answered in English YES! After the ceremony there were many happy kisses. She just bubbled after the ceremony. This was a love match. Not a forced marriage.

I love doing marriage ceremonies. The power, the fun, the little insight to others' lives.

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