Monday, January 18, 2010


Today we checked out all the lovely food in the South Hall. This was our favorite, PIG! Hams, salami, sausage, hams, hams. Everyone country has ham like the South's Country ham. Spain wins hands down as the best with their Jamon Serrano. This was a little taste of heaven, Booth after booth was slicing it, the whole leg including the hoof. No, the hoof was not served. Do I have pictures of all these wonderful hams, no. Nor do I have any pictures of the wonderful pates or the bacon flavored salt. Why, I was too busy sampling the goodness. But the pictures are in color this time.

Italy had more booths than any other group. Hams, pates, cheeses, salamis, other wonderful meats.

Crowd scene. We walked forever, Marty is getting us water,
California had some incredible cheeses. Booth after booth.

Wisconsin cheese.

Next to pig, the butter booths were the best. They acted as palate cleansers.

More cheese.

This was oh so wonderful. Foie Gras and duck salami.

Marty having citrus tea. There were some really different teas to taste.

Truffle booth. The huge one is not real. Yes that is Marty's arm, we didn't notice each other. Oh, no samples here. Or at the saffron booth or the caviar booth.

The chef is airbrushing a chocolate sculpture. Check out the finished one to the right.

Oh, Canada. The Mountie had to learn to ride a horse for parades. That is the only time he rides. Canada had a large group of booths also.

Marty, Janet, and the Mountie.

We have had a lovely two days of sampling some of the best foods in the world. There is no way these pictures can give you the feeling, aroma, and the wonderful tastes we have experienced. This is two of our favorite days of the year.

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