Saturday, February 27, 2010


Today we went to the Orchid Show in San Francisco.  Marty grows orchids and I get to appreciate them.  We had no plans to buy plants, the greenhouse and outside racks for hardy orchids are full.  We went to just enjoy the beauty and aroma of thousands of orchids. Some in pots, some as cut flowers, some in unbelievable displays.

Well, we were like drunks in a liquor store . . .  "oh look at that, I want that, I neeeeeeed that, well just one, maybe a couple more, can we carry any more."

Remember to click on the pictures to make them bigger.

This was Best of Show.  How they decided I don't know.

I took 44 pictures and was only half way through the show.  I won't post all the picutres, just some favorites.  They are of displays that are beautiful and/or fun, and some are tacky.  But they are still beautiful.  And I have pictures of the sale's area. My mind became numb with so many goregous plants.  Enjoy.

This was close to tacky.  Carnival was the show theme.

These were just fun.

This was just breathtaking.
A treasure chest of cut cymbidiums.
The sale's floor.
                                                                     Yes, I really was there.

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