Monday, February 15, 2010


Marty cooked most of our Valentine's Day dinner.  I made my world famous potato salad.  He made pulled pork, barbecue sauce, and cole slaw.  We were testing another recipe for Cook's Country

The pork is bone in with a dry rub.  The rubbed meat is wrapped up for 24 hours, then on the grill 3 to 4 hours, next it goes into the oven covered for 2 to 3 hours. When it comes out of the oven, it sits 30 minutes, then it is finally pulled.  The sauce is a vinegar catsup with lots of bite to it.  Marty of course added Tabassco.  We like hot as well as bite. Such a great meal.  And I remembered to take pictures.                                                                

Marty working with the dry rub.
Ready to be sealed for 24 hours.

                                                        Wrapped up and ready for a 24 hour rest.

Ready to come off the grill.  Look at the crust from the rub. After 4 hours of heavenly smells, the neighbors were hinting for a dinner invitation.

                      Now to get ready for the oven.  I was ready to eat it then.  The aroma was incredible!

Wrapped and ready to go in the oven for 2 to 3 hours.

Marty is starting the Barbecue sauce.  Notice the champagne glasses and the wine glass.  We have already had a fun day.

Paprika and onions sauteing for the sauce. Lots of paprika.

Marty is pulling the pork. I lost control and stole crusty pieces while he was busy.  Yum!
At the bone, the meat is the best.  Moist and tasty.

                                                               Ready to build the sandwich.

This is the meal.  We are ready for pulled pork sandwiches.  Toasted buns, Barbecue sauce on them, then pile on the pork, more sauce, and top with cole slaw.  Potato salad and wine, some do beer.  Oh, and lots and lots of napkins. 

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