Monday, March 22, 2010


My feet are tired. I am tired. I work a 3 1/2 hour shift performing wedding ceremonies Mondays and Wednesdays. Today I did 10 weddings. Ten, one right after another. They were all lovely people, no weird ones. But there are several that stand out for different reasons.

One couple was from China. They had a big wedding planned in China later this year. But their student visas came through, and that wedding was off. They are at school at the University of San Francisco.

Another couple had the loudest screaming baby I have ever heard. The child was content until we started the ceremony. And he then screamed and screamed. Mad, not hungry he refused the bottle. He was just mad and got louder and louder. I had to almost yell to be heard over him. That is hard on the throat.

Another had a screaming baby. They would pass him back and forth, but he wouldn't calm down. I could barely hear them as I talked to them before the wedding. The groom held the baby throughout the ceremony. It turned out the baby wasn't theirs. He was a nephew. And the parents were not at the wedding. Why would you bring some one's baby to your wedding? Were they babysitting and decided to run off and get married? No, they were dressed up, their mothers were dressed up. Even the baby had a suit on. I don't know. I do know he screamed bloody murder the whole time we were upstairs. Again, the throat was hurting by the end of the ceremony.

Another couple was being remarried after many years and other marriages. The bride was very emotional. So happy and also crying. He was joyful and a little tearful at the same time. I gave them tissues, and he pulled out a handkerchief. Throughout the wedding he wiped her tears away. This was a goose bump wedding. So much love and tenderness.

My last wedding was just fun. She was a widow and he was divorced. They had met online on e Harmony. Such joy from this couple. They were dressed in bike shorts and tops. And they wore them well. They had ridden a tandem bike to be married from a town 20 miles away and would be biking home. They are in training for the Aids/LifeCycle Ride. It's a small world, they know a friend of ours who rides every year.

This was a very busy day. And it felt good.

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