Friday, April 9, 2010


Yesterday marked Marty's and my 43rd wedding anniversary. Yes, we are older than dirt. We celebrated with friends at a favorite restaurant, The Terrace Room. The view of Lake Merritt is lovely and the food/service is wonderful.

In those 43 years we have moved 10 times. And I wouldn't be surprised if we moved again. I kind of like moving (except for packing and unpacking), new house, new friends, that is exciting.

Forty Three years is a long time for anything. In this day and age 43 years for a marriage is rare. Most everyone marries madly in love. They think the marriage is for life. So why do so many marriages fail? Who knows why one marriage works and another doesn't. I credit our marriage to a lot of luck, hard work, and that we have rarely been furious with the other at the same time. One of us has been sane and calm while the other has been ballistic. That is where the luck comes in. Thank God we don't go ballastic at the same time.

But we work at the marriage every day. We drive each other crazy at times, but we ignore/forgive those crazy things (agoraphobic issues, stealing the pillows and covers, control issues with the remote, and other petty things). We know it isn't worth the battle. In the long run we love each other. We will forgive and forget the problems. We want to be together. We adore each other in spite of our complete opposite personalities. We will work out the problems.


  1. Happy Anniversary, Aunt Janet. I love the story--Lee

  2. Happy Anniversary to you and Marty!!!

  3. Happy Anniversary to a wonderful couple!
