Thursday, April 29, 2010

WEDDINGS: thin white dress

Monday I did 6 wedding ceremonies, more than all last week. Most of the couples were very normal, sweet couples. Most of the clerks were lovely and sweet. Yet the Clerk from Hell is still yelling at me. I took a souvenir certificate back to her to be corrected. She had put the wrong name for the bride. The CFH yelled, "That's what she said. And they shouldn't be getting married anyway. He doesn't want to get married." After some more ranting, she did correct it.

Now the above couple were a little different. The bride was 16 years older than the groom. He was well past legal age, around 30. ( I don't really worry about age differences. My stepfather is 17 years younger than my Mother. And they just celebrated their 48th anniversary.) To first look at them, you thought what a good looking couple. He had on a Tux, she had on a long white dress. And then you got up closer. He was addicted to his cell phone, texting away ignoring the world. She had tattoos that looked homemade. I don't like tattoos, but do recognize the artistry in them. Hers were really bad. After getting that close, I didn't want to look at them. She was in a dreaded thin white dress. Yes dear readers, no, nada underwear, none. She might as well been naked.

Wednesday was slower. I only had 4 couples. One couple was there with family. The bride had on a gorgeous white brocade suit with a lacy ruffled blouse. He was in a black suit. They were so sweet and in love. His father was so funny working the camera. Every second of the ceremony has been documented.

The last couple of the day had a large group with them. Everyone was excited about the wedding. There were 2 toddlers who were loud and busy while in the lobby. I was worried about having to out shout them. Well those were the best behaved children I have every had. The mothers said, "Inside voices now. And you must sit quietly." Those little ones never made a peep, nor moved. When the wedding was over, they were back to the toddler busy mode.

The couple were dressed up for the wedding. He had on black slacks and a fancy dress shirt. She had on a long black skirt with a side and hemline ruffle. Her hair was up with spectacular tendrils curling down. She had a rhinestone clip on the French twist and wore a tiara. She had silver Grecian sandals on. Oh, right I forgot the blouse. It was a blue swirled print maternity top stretched to its limit. This lovely tiny young woman was so small from the back. But from the front she was huge. The top was stretched out a foot in front of her. The baby had dropped and was almost below her waist. I asked when she was due, and the answer was any minute.

When I pronounced them married, they just held each other. It was a very sweet emotional moment. Another wedding that showed real love.

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