Sunday, June 6, 2010

Oh yeah, weddings

I have been remiss  in posting about weddings last week.  Most of the posts have been about me.  Birthdays are fun and my family extends the celebration as much as possible.  But back to the weddings.

Last week was weird.  Monday we were closed for Memorial Day.  When I came in Wednesday they told me how busy Friday and Tuesday had been.  They did 30 weddings on Friday.  Even with volunteers they had to pull staff to keep up with the crowd.  Tuesday, there were 16 weddings and staff was called in because the couples all showed up at the same time.

Wednesday the volunteer before me did one, yes only one wedding.  I sat from 12:45 until nearly 3:30 and read. No weddings, no one even in the lobby.  And then we were slammed.  The lobby was full of buyers and also couples wanting to get married.  The rule is if they punch in by 4:00 we will marry them.  My shift ends at 4:00.  But I stayed until 4:45 and married couples.  I did 5 weddings and took up one Spanish one to the Marriage Desk Clerk.  Do any of them stand out?  No, they were all just boringly nice.

Recently I wrote about the beautiful All American Girl in her pink dress and heels.  Well, we had the All American Latino Girl and Boy Wednesday.  She had big beautiful brown eyes and long dark brown hair.  She was dressed in a long white dress that had blue trim at the waist.  She carried a basket full of flower petals.  He had dark hair and huge brown eyes with really long lashes.  Why do the boys always have the long lashes?  He wore long blue pants and a crisp white shirt and carried a small satin pillow with the rings ties onto it.  They also were running crazily through the lobby.  I was concerned they would disturb the wedding.  I was wrong.

These two children were gorgeous and so well behaved.  After the wedding they became noisy children again.  They knew when to be still and when it was OK (with the parents) to have fun.  Bravo to the parents. 

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