Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Finally Back to Mondays

Do you think this post looks strange?  So do I.  Live Writer and Blogger once again have shown how much they refuse to work together.  The more I try to fix the different font sizes and spacing the worse it gets.  So sorry and I will skip using live writer after this.

Yesterday I returned to the Marriage Factory on a Monday, albeit in the morning (8:30).  I really wanted my old time spot back, 1- 4:30. The people who were given the spot while we were in San Diego won’t give it up.  At least it took 2 people to replace me. I’m not really a morning person, but I will take the early spot.  Most  Mondays have a lot more action than any Wednesday.  Anything more than 1 is a lot more. 
Clerk A and I work well together and we continued our plan to move people in and out that we set up on Friday.  One of us walked out of the room and the other walked in.  Sometimes she was using the second room while I was in the Wedding Room. 
My first couple were so cute.  They could not stop laughing and smiling.  She wore a light blue dress.  It had little cap sleeves, the bodice was fitted and then the skirt was gored and ended in a semicircle.  It was a classic look.  In fact in 1966 I had a dress very much like it.  During the ceremony the bride kept laughing and was so eager to say I DO.  The witness and I were laughing with her.  Fun couple, and so much love in the room.
I couldn't find one of my couples.  The clerk had told me he was in his military uniform and she was in jeans.  I looked for them in the packed lobbies, I called their names, and finally behind lots of people there they were.  I looked at him, laughed, and said no wonder I couldn't find you, you’re wearing camouflage.  This couple gave me goose bumps.  So in love, so sweet, and he was military.  Military couples always make me teary eyed.
There were other couples but my last one stands out.  He was born in 1943, she was born in 1948. They were a good looking couple and didn't look their ages.  He wore a light brown suit with a white rose boutonniere.  She wore a short lined white lace dress with high heel sandals.  She carried a small bouquet of white roses and irises.  The couple had planned this wedding, they had checked out the room, and already picked the ceremony they wanted.  They each had a statement they read before saying their vows.  The statements were loving and very religious.  After hearing their statements of faith and the plan to grow together in the love of Jesus, I wondered why they didn't marry in a church.  But as I always say, I have no endings.

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