Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Reading, not marrying

Over the holidays the Marriage Factory was crazy.  We broke records for one day of weddings, licenses sold, total weddings for the week.  And remember we are talking 4 day weeks. We joked were there any couples left for us to marry.  Well, Monday we decided not many left.

I did 2 ceremonies and there was one Spanish ceremony.  Mighty slow Monday.  I read nearly a whole book waiting for couples to come in.  The book was great fun, Janet Evanovich's Takedown Twenty. 

My first couple told me they came last Monday, the day we did 56 ceremonies.  When they saw the crowds, they turned around and went back home.  The bride was carrying a gorgeous bouquet of peachy and cream roses.  I wondered if this was from last week or she bought another bouquet.  I am betting a new bouquet.

The other ceremony was for two women from Nevada, a destination wedding.  They had been together for over 10 years and the wedding was very emotional for all of us.  Such love and tenderness expressed.  As we say in the business, there was love in the room.

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