Friday, January 17, 2014


Tuesday was busy.  I left home at 8:00 A.M. to work at Kaiser School in Oakland, then drove to Pleasant Hill for a hair appointment, then to Walnut Creek to Kaiser Permanente for a retinal screening.  At this point the plan was I would then drive back to San Leandro, eat supper, drive back to Oakland for Book Group and finally drive back to San Leandro and get home around 10:00 P.M.

After my retinal screening (every thing is fine) I thought, I am crazy.  I am backtracking, burning gas, I have several more hours before I will get home, I am tired.  Marty was at a church meeting in Concord, close to Walnut Creek. He had done his bus/ BART/bus thing.  I met him there, sat through his meeting, let him take me out to supper and do all the driving.  Sometimes you have to listen to your body and just not do all you want to do. 

School was good.  One sweet thing happened and I wasn't even with the first graders.  There is a change of librarians, the past one is gone and the new one hasn't started yet.  Volunteers are running the library until the change over is done.  Ms. H asked me to take the children's checked out book to the library and have them teach me how to scan in/out books in order for the class to get new books.  No volunteer in the library, so I went to the office to see if someone there could help me.

A kindergartener was in the office and heard me say I needed to learn how to check out books.  He became all helpful.  The conversation went something like this.

Him:  My teacher knows how, she will teach you.
Me: But she has to take care of her class.
Him:  She will be glad to show you, she knows all about checking in books.
Me: She can't leave her class to help me.
Him:  Yes she can.  She'll teach you.
Me:  I don't think they want her to leave the class alone and come help me.
Him: You should stay after school and she can show you then.
Me:  She probably needs to go home after school.
Him: Go Home???

Little children do not realize teachers ever leave the building.  It stuns them if they run into their teacher in a store. 

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