Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Japanese Gardens again.

We first visited the Japanese Gardens in Hayward Thanksgiving 2013.  We went back in January 2014 to see the seasonal changes, and last week we returned again.  I have pictures from all three visits to show the beauty of the gardens and why the garden pulls us back over and over.

This is from November 2013.  Marty and my brother are just entering the gardens.  The fall colors are the stars.

This was taken January 2014.  Notice the Fall colors are gone and there are trees budding out in blooms and tender spring green leaves.

This picture and the rest below were taken March 2014.  More trees are green and or have blooms.
One of the many types of Maple trees in the gardens.
Another Maple beside a Tulip Tree
A Tulip Tree with buds, new blooms, dying blooms, and green leaves

 Cherry blossoms

Maple tree with seed pods developing

This Maple tree starts with pinky purple leaves which turn green later.

Our favorite Maple tree, maybe the favorite of all trees in the garden.

Outside the gardens as we walked to the car.

We did not do the whole park this time.  We arrived around 4:00 and walked for 30 minutes.  Then two park rangers told us the park was closed.  Most parks around the Bay Area close at sundown. So we were a little surprised.  They had cleared the part of the park we hadn't walked in, so we had to backtrack.  With the rangers behind us and other park walkers.  Now what we found funny was . . .

The truck in front of Marty is the Rangers' truck.  And it was running.  I consider that a huge waste of our tax money.  After they got in the truck they sat there until we all left.  Just Wrong!

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