Saturday, April 19, 2014

"One meal won't kill you", so he said

As posted before, do nothing planned.  So Thursday morning we decided to go out to eat and have a belated anniversary dinner.  I wanted something close, free parking, better than average food, good service, and a great view.  I made reservations at Horatio's.   I used Open Table and requested a window table, explaining a belated anniversary and why it was belated.

We arrived and the hostess ignored us!  Finally she noticed us, standing 2 feet from her, and we said we had reservations.  The other hostess came and asked us if we were celebrating something. Did she not read the note from Open Table?  They were not crowded, there were empty window tables, but she headed away from the windows.  I stopped her and explained our request, and the note on Open Table,  Oh, she will see what she can do.  This did not bode well for the rest of the meal.  She did put us at a window table and we had a great server.  Victor made up for the idiots at the hostess stand.

The doctor had told me one meal would not kill me, just don't put "one meal" killers close together. This meal was great, all kinds of evil food I don't get to eat.  Plus I had a glass of Woodford Reserve.  Bourbon sipping is very limited for Warfarin patients.

The happy couple.  Notice only one glass of wine.  No wine for me since I had my shot of Bourbon.

Sunset over Monarch Bay.  The other side of the trees is San Francisco Bay.

Looking to the left at the Marina.

Mussels in a cioppino sauce for Marty.  Which he shared with me.  Yummy, delicious.  The only healthy thing we ate. 

Fried calamari and fried artichokes.  There was an aioli sauce and a Bloody Mary sauce.  I was nice and shared with Marty.

Marty had halibut stuffed with crab.  The dark design is a thickened balsamic vinegar sauce.

My dish is smoked chicken over penne in a butter cream sauce.  Notice the bread, we had already had a wonderful garlic cheese bread with our appetizers.  So yes, lots of bread and pasta.  Killing  myself with a fork.  

Victor surprised us with a creme brulee with whipped cream and fruit.  We ate some, but we were so stuffed we left part of it.  So very good, and so rich and evil.  I loved every bite of that meal.  Trust me I have been very good since then.  

On the way home we took the scenic route around the marina.  This is looking toward San Francisco.

We had a great evening.  We forgot we both are physical messes right now.  We ate well, laughed, enjoyed a lovely time together, we celebrated love.  

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