Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Walking the Neighborhood

Yesterday I did my walk on different streets.  Driving around I had noticed flowers and trees worth photographing.

Cans out for Garbage Day and lovely creeping phlox

We have voluntary water restrictions.  This is a low water usage garden, no grass lots of bark.

I do love phlox.

Isn't this lovely?  Picket fence, roses, pretty paint job.  Almost Norman Rockwell.

Another low water yard, lava rock and a drip system.  Also, note they are ready for Christmas.

Yes, all you good Southerners, that is one beautiful magnolia ready to bloom.  Does this Southern Belle's heart good to see so many magnolias in San Leandro.

More lava rock

Star Jasmine along the sidewalk.  In the yard there are huge rhododendrons and azaleas.   

The perfect drought resistant yard, cactus!

All these different ways of gardening within a 30 minute brisk walk.  And I haven't even shown you the fruit trees.    Another day, another walk.

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