Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Favorite Places

We all have favorite places, places that make us feel happy, safe, contented, at peace, makes us smile . . .     Lots of reasons are out there for some place to become a favorite place. Today is about one of my very favorite places, The San Leandro Main Library.   The link is for the whole library system.  And I am happy in any library, San Diego, Concord, Walnut Creek, Rockridge, any library makes me happy.

A little background about me, books, and libraries.  I had my own library card before I was in second grade.  When I was in second grade I was old enough walk alone to the Corbin Library.  I had to cross the streets and roads (Major HWY US 25 ran through town) to get to the library. Once there I could check out any book I wanted. And if it wasn't finished by bedtime,  I would read it under the covers with a flashlight.  I hated not having a book available to replace the one I was reading.  I still am that way, panic attack if no books are waiting to be read.  Really, panic attacks.

Today was my stock up on books day.  Usually I get 99% mysteries.  But today I have biographies, non fictions, novels, and a couple of mysteries.  A smorgasbord of books.

My library is fairly new and homey.  Lots of chairs, art exhibits, huge selection of books, and it is open 7 days a weeks, and many nights.  I love my library.

Walking up to the front door

These two pictures show the main floor.  On the left are DVDs, 90% of them are free. Look up and on the floor are fiction stacks, study tables, a museum, and magazine room.

The entrance to the Children's Library.  Children love to use their little entrances.  And the statue of the woman reading to children is wonderful  Every time I first see it, I think it is real.  Behind the statue is a wall of new books. 

As you come out the door, this is a partial view of the free parking lot.  One of the prettiest lots around.  Lot of trees to shade your car during the hot part of the day.  

Yes, I do love this library.  It is big, open, friendly staff, and thousands of books.  What more could a book lover want? 

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