Thursday, May 15, 2014


In the Bay area we do not do heat well.  Even when it gets up in the 80's, it cools down at night. We are used to wearing sweaters and coats in the summertime.  BUT every now and then we have a heat advisory.  We are living through record breaking heat this week, and it is miserable. We have hit 100 more than one day this week.  And it looks like today we will again.

Our second story apartment does not have AC.  Hell, we don't even have central heat.  This is a Victorian.  Last year Marty and I bought a portable AC, which has saved our lives.  It vents outside, and should keep one room around 10 degrees cooler than the outside temperature.

Usually these record breaking heat days last 3 days and the fog rolls in.  The weather people said the fog was rolling in yesterday around supper time.  Still no fog, it is stalled off the coast.  Today at 1:40 it is 91 degrees, and 92 degrees in the apartment.  The living room, where the AC is, is 83. Pretty nice in there.  We eat in the Living Room, sleep in there, watch TV there, if we could only get the bathroom set up in there.

I told a friend to bring her work and come sit in front of our AC.  She sent back the saddest reply. She is college professor and this is graduation week.  So she has to wear big girl clothes and meet and greet alumni, parents, students.  She said, "  lunch and dinner receptions . . .  no AC  . . .   stockings . . .   pray for me".  For all you male readers, wearing stockings in a heat wave is just like being wrapped in Saran Wrap.  Let us pray.

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