Sunday, May 18, 2014

JEALOUS! I am so jealous.

I have told you all about silly weddings, sad weddings, costume weddings, touching weddings.  I thought I had done every type out there.  No, I haven't.  The best wedding story this week is not mine.  I am going to tell you about a wedding done on Friday by Patricia.  And yes, I am very very jealous she got to do this wedding.  I can never top this.

Patricia volunteers on Friday afternoons, our busiest day.  She and our Marriage Desk Clerk posted pictures on Facebook of the Elvis wedding.  Yes, downtown Oakland not Vegas.

Elvis and Dolly Parton tie the knot.  The witness you see is the Easter Bunny.

Much happiness.

Santa, Dolly, Elvis, The Easter Bunny, and Patricia

Patricia said said she sang a few bars of Love Me Tender.  She felt that was more appropriate than Hound Dog.


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