Sunday, July 20, 2014

YARD SALES! hate, hate, putting one on

Several weeks ago we got a flyer from a neighbor.  They were organizing the block yard sale. (it was yesterday)  They would do the publicity, get a dumpster and a charity's truck there for leftovers.  All we had to do was put out our treasures.  I wanted nothing to do with it.

You price hundreds of things, carry out heavy tables and stuff.  People show up two hours before the sale and want you to cut prices before you even get set up.  It is a Saturday and we would have to be up way before a decent hour.  Long hours on our feet, hot sun, and I could list lots more.  I hate yard sales.

But Marty thought we should clean out more stuff from the storage shed.  After a year and a half we have discovered we don't need everything stored in the shed.  Hell, we don't need most that is in that shed, but I want it.  Thus the storage shed.

I said no, no, still having flashbacks to getting rid of treasures when we sold the house and downsized.  Too much work for too little money.  We dithered around and never got out to the shed until Friday night.  Our downstairs neighbor asked if we would be joining her at 6:30 to set up for the 8:00 sale.  I said no, Marty said maybe.  I knew I was doomed.  We were going to do the yard sale. 

We picked items we could give up, found tables to set up, and did not put stickers on everything.  We just grouped stuff, and eyeballed it when we put it out.  That cut out a lot of prep time.

Yes some people were there by 7, an hour before everything started.  Some bought, and we did not cut prices for them.  It was perfect weather for being outside with no shade.  It was foggy and cool.  Well it was until about 11:00, and the fog burned off.  We had wind which helped, but when it stopped it wasn't very pleasant being outside.  Then the wind really kicked up, and things were flying, even boxed items.  Lots of exercise chasing stuff.  Also we both have interesting sun and wind burns.

We did make money, we sold a lot of Marty's glass.  We had fun, our downstairs' neighbor is entertaining.  But we were exhausted.  Too much standing and walking.  Too much toting heavy things up and down stairs, carrying stuff from the storage shed.  Lots of bending over,  too much fighting fierce winds.  And no nap for the drama queen. 

I took a shower as soon as all was back to normal, and put on my night shirt.  This was at 4:00.  I was ready for bed.  Marty was going to the gym to use the spa facilities and soak the soreness out of his body.  He said we would go out to eat when he got back.  And I said, no thanks.

Why you ask?  I was too tired to put on make up and to get dressed.  I did not want to move.  I barely could move.  So sweet Marty hit our favorite Chinese restaurant on the way home and brought lots of goodies for supper. 

Today we both feel better, but I still hate yard sales.

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