Thursday, August 7, 2014

Love, all ages, fashion statements.

Love can strike all ages.  I have married couples who knew in the first grade this was the one for them.  I have married couples  who were in their eighties.  Love rules.

Two of my couples were older and made quite the fashion statements. 

The first groom was born in 1941 and his bride in 1947.  She wore a creamy silk shantung pant suit.  It had an almost tuxedo  jacket.  Her blouse was heavily embroidered in creams and pale blue.  He wore cream slacks with a tan blazer.  And he wore the greatest shoes, brown and white spectators.  All you young ones click here and here.  This couple was so in love, and so excited to be marrying.

The next couple wasn't as old, but still senior citizens.  The groom was born in 1945 and the bride in 1958.  He wore a blue suit and looked very dapper.  She wore a pale lavender dress that was tiered to the floor.  She wore white peek toe heels.  There was a tiny bow right at the toe of each shoe.  This was a couple you could really feel the love in the room.  After the wedding the groom kept saying he was so honored she was taking his name.  For some reason he was just knocked out by the name change. 

Older couples are the not the only ones who know how to dress up for the occasion.  A couple in their thirties were very spiffy, as were their children..  This couple is memorable for another reason, the groom's behavior.  But first to the clothes. 

The groom wore a gunmetal gray suit with a white knit shirt.  He looked like a GQ model.  The bride wore a long white tiered dress, which was off the shoulders.  As we were waiting to go into the Wedding Room, she pulled out a tiny fascinator.  It has a tiny veil and a little white flower.  She needed a  mirror to see how to pin it to her hair.  No mirror, so she used her IPhone camera as if taking a selfie.  Their son, the ring bearer, wore blue slacks with a button down white shirt and a blue tie.  Their daughter, the flower girl,  wore a mini copy of Mom's wedding dress.  Mom carried white hydrangeas and their daughter carried one hydrangea.

Now to the poor groom.  He was a nervous wreck.  He had zoned out and nothing was going in.  I had to say his name several times to get his attention.  During the ceremony it took prompting to keep him in the game.  After I pronounced  them husband and wife, I said, "You may kiss the bride."  Nothing.  The bride looked at him and said, "You can kiss me now!!"  And that woke him up. 

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