Monday, September 8, 2014

Did you have a security blanket?

Many people had a security blankets as a baby/small child.  My little brother had one.  It was blue wool with a satin binding.  He would pick the fuzz off the blanket and feed it to anyone near him.  I never had a special blanket,  nor did Marty.  But Marty's little brother had one.  Another case of the middle child being neglected. 

Our son had a beautiful white thermal blanket he drug everywhere.  The white became pink after a red shirt ended up in the wash with the blanket.  He even took his blankie to preschool for nap time.  On his fourth birthday he came into the kitchen, threw the blanket in the garbage, and said,"I'm a big boy now."  I of course fished it out and saved it.  I think it was for his 21st birthday we had it framed with other things from his childhood.  I think it meant more to me than to him.

Some parents trim the blankets every now and then until there is only a hanky size square.  And some children go to college with their blankie square.  I took a teddy bear that a boy friend had given me. 

Security blankets make you feel safe, comfortable, happy.  And sometime senior citizens need one too.  Marty brought home a Sherpa Throw from Costco this weekend.  Velvet on one side, and the other is fake sheep skin.  It is light, warm, and cuddly.  I told Marty when I pulled it over me, all I wanted to do was suck my thumb.  Talk about warm fuzzy feelings.

Sunday we bought another one.  Neither of wanted to share.  Marty's is blue and mine is green. 

1 comment:

  1. Joe & I have one of those throws -- they are the BEST! We just have to be very careful about putting it out of the dog's reach when we're not using it, otherwise she will lick and chew on it when we're not looking. (She does have her own security blanket that she can chew on to her heart's content!)
