Monday, October 6, 2014

Pet Scan update etc.

Last Friday I had a Pet Scan.  In a nut shell this was to see if there is a cancer spread, other problem areas in the body, inflammation anywhere.  After a long weekend, today the oncologist called with good news.  It looks like no spread, and no new trouble.  So some happiness in this mess.  Still an inoperable mass.  But we are only dealing with one problem.

Wednesday I have the biopsy and it will take at least 3 days for results to come.  That would be Monday the 13th. 

Monday the 13th  they put in the port for chemo.  Probably the end of that week I will begin Chemo.  We plan to be aggressive in attacking the mass.  I know that also means I will be icky sick through the chemo.  But we are going for more time. 

Your prayers are helping and I feel the caring from so many people that I have never met.  Thank you, and please keep praying.  You are needed.