Wednesday, October 1, 2014

WOW! WOW again!

The Marriage Factory was steadily busy Monday.  Busy enough they used a runner to bring couples to me.  I think I did 10 weddings between 9:00 and 12:15.  Great to feel needed.

Two weddings stand out for a Wow moment. A gay couple from Texas had come to be married.  One man had been born in Louisiana, the other in Georgia.  Yay, they would talk like me.  In the elevator they asked where I was from, and I gave my stock answer:  A little town in the mountains of Kentucky.  It is 100 mile south of Lexington and 100 miles north of Knoxville.  One of the men said, "Oh, Corbin."  How did he know that?  It turned out he used to travel for a pharmaceutical company and had clients in Corbin. We talked about places in the area.  It was like ole home week.

The other Wow moment was with a Chinese couple.  After the wedding they were walking to the elevator and the bride yelled, "That's my mother's art!"

sidebar:  The art in the Wedding Room area is all wedding related.  Alameda County buys art from emerging/struggling artists and hangs it in all of their buildings. Everything except the wedding art is rotated regularly to other County buildings.

The mother was not with them, don't know why, but the bride's father and sister were there. They were all so excited to see the art. They all took pictures of the painting and took pictures of each other beside it. Yes, a Wow moment.

Below is the picture.  Not a great shot,  I didn't realize I have a little reflection in it until just now.   I think this story will be something the couple will tell their great grand children.

A Chinese bride on her wedding day

The artist's name.

I still get goose bumps thinking about someone seeing a family member's work hung in a public venue.  

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