Sunday, December 7, 2014

I made it to Graduation!

Sometimes I do go some place besides Kaiser, and it is for fun.  Yesterday I went to the graduation ceremonies  for Thor.  Well, you all have seen his picture as Thor.  His real name is Aaron. 

Aaron's mother is a dear friend of ours.  We lived with them two years ago while looking for the perfect apartment.  Since then we have become close to Arron.  In fact he is one of my babysitters.  He asked us to the ceremonies and I promised come Hell or High Water I would make it.  Worse case scenario I would SKYPE the event.

The night before graduation was rough.  Lots of nausea, little sleep, and intestinal problems through the night.  How was I going to make a 40 minute drive and a ceremony and reception?  Well, you suck it up for those you care about.  I took every pill that I was allowed, packed an emergency kit, and we took off.

All went well.  Aaron gave his speech, received his diploma, and then entertained us during the reception.  It was a marvelous morning.  I am so grateful he asked us, and more grateful I was able to attend.  He is a Culinary Arts graduate, that means I now have a chef at my beck and call.

That afternoon it took a 4 hour nap for me to recover, and I dozed through most of our nighttime TV programs.  But I did it.  I had fun, I got to beam with pride at a young man I deeply care about. 

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