Wednesday, December 31, 2014

More info on the last week

After I came home I felt stronger, but not great.   I have major swelling of my feet and legs, so walking far is impossible.  I can get up and the down the 26 steps if I have a doctor's appointment. A Home nurse and  physical therapist have checked on me.  To be so sick I am pretty healthy. 

Marty's brother and girl friend were here during the holidays.  They helped Marty care for me, cooking, babysitting, what ever was needed.  They made me laugh, and made me feel loved.

I wanted a normal day.  I wanted to go to the peaceful beautiful Hayward Japanese Gardens.  But I couldn't walk it.  So we bought a wheelchair and off we went.  I took pictures, but don't feel up to the effort of cleaning them up, cropping them, etc.  So if you want pictures, go to the archives and find pictures.  I think November 2013 you can find pictures.

We had a great time in the quiet of the gardens.  I felt almost normal, and came home and took a 2 hour nap.

I am still having intestinal problems.  They are running more tests and hopefully we can pinpoint the problem.  It can even be caused by the medicine  I am on. 

I am stronger, but tire easily.  Chemo will begin again on January 13.  Please continue to keep me in your prayers.  I feel your love and care for Marty and me.  Thank you for caring for me.

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