Wednesday, February 25, 2015

I DID IT! I did the Orchid Show!

Sunday we went to the Orchid Show in San Francisco.  I was worried about walking and standing for a couple of hours.  But I knew I could rest  in the food court if need be.  I walked and stood, and looked for 2 1/2 hours before taking a break.  Then I walked another 45 minutes.  Tired but not exhausted.  It was a wonderful time.

I of course took lots of pictures, around 100.  After deleting bad ones and self editing, I will show you around 20.  Remember to click on the picture to enlarge it.

Welcome to beauty

Love this pointy petal

A winning cattleya.  This is the corsage flower all girls in the 1960's hoped for.  This meant he was serious.  Thank you  Jonathan-Ladd.  Loved mine.

The theme for the show was The Last of the Orchid Hunters.  Some of the displays were outstanding.

Love the this orchid.  We have a white one.  The colored ones are hard to come by and are more expensive.  

Lovely color and interesting little dots.

This orchid had a wing span of at least a foot.  Absolutely marvelous to see.

Love this deep deep color.  The deeper the reds and purple, the more they cost.  No way we can buy one like this.  

Okay, if you wore an outfit with these colors and different designs, awful.  But this orchid wears it well.  Stunning.

Polka dots work for me.

The throat of this orchid looks as if it is on the back of the bloom.  A very flat looking flower.   Still gorgeous.

A mix of cattleyas.

Love the twisty tendrils on this bloom.

Another fancier display.

This is our favorite of the whole show.  The star bloom is very waxy and will last about 6 weeks.  Also it is very fragrant. We looked through dozens of vendors and only found 2 selling this type of plant.  It is rare.  We bought a young plant that will not have its first bloom for at least a year.  I will have to talk to my oncologist about keeping me around a long time so I can see it bloom.

Little cattleya.  We bought two plants, white and a yellow.

This is one of the strangest orchids we saw.  It glistens on the red feeler looking ends.  This looks as if it should live in the ocean.  Be sure to click on it in order to see those ends better.

A lovely mix of orchids.

Our second favorite orchid.  Love all the ruffles and twisty things.

I hope you enjoyed my orchid show.  It was a wonderful day for us.  This was not a "normal" day for me.  This a once a year spectacular event.  And I did it. I walked it, did not need the wheelchair.  

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