Thursday, February 12, 2015

What to do with the rings?

Once again Joe is sharing some things that happen at the Marriage Factory.  A great big thanks and hugs to him.  I really miss doing the weddings.  So I keep in touch with Joe's updates.

A Familiar Ring

It hasn't been raining a lot in the Bay Area, as most of you probably know, so car washes have been very busy.  Once the downpour hits, most people forgo that stop.  Nature's done the job - why waste the time to redo what's been done?

By the time we see a couple at the Marriage Factory, may times they've already been married via a cultural/religious/extranational ceremony that has not had a legal component.  In most cases, the couple are already wearing rings.  I then confront them with a choice: do they want to exchange the rings they're currently wearing?

There are 3 options: ignore the ring part of the ceremony, even though they're paying for it; talk about the rings without removing them; doff the rings and trade them again.  The last is the most treacherous.  It is surprising how quickly knuckles change shape and size.  Some rings slide right off, despite having been on for years.  Other, newly-donned ones require soap, spit, and tugging.

If I were being married in that situation, I'd go for the easiest solution: talking without the taking off.  All the pomp and circumstance, none of the phalangeal trauma.

Fashion report: a gorgeous teal sleeveless dress (Lupita Nyong'o- style), a lovely white knit dress, and a fantastic silver lace dress with a matching necklace and fascinator

By the numbers:
Ceremonies: 8
Couples in formal wear: 6
Had own vows: 1 (first time in Spanish)

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