Thursday, April 23, 2015

More from my teen years

Corbin, as mentioned before, was a small town in the foothills of Kentucky.  Looking back compared to where our son grew up, we were a little deprived.  No live theater, no symphony orchestra, no pro football, baseball, or basketball.  But we didn't miss any of that.

Our high school band and choir gave concerts, and we packed the gym with citizens, not just parents. We had a the senior play every year.  Traveling acts came to town and we every now and then saw live theater, and concerts. Ringling Brothers set up their three ring circus every spring.  And of course carnivals came through town.  Sports, well honey we didn't need pros.  We had the Corbin Redhounds to watch.  Great in football and basketball.  Many athletes went on to play on big time college teams and some went pro.  Lots of sports trophies in the Corbin High School halls.

There was stuff to do all the time.  And the place to go, The Youth Center.  We went there to dance, socialize, dance, and dance.  This was the best place ever.  We paid a very small fee to be a member.  There was the wonderful Princess McBurney(I hope I spelled that right) who was our chaperon.  The Youth Center was open most nights and was a safe fun place to go.

I loved its location.  It was upstairs over the police station. I think in the day time it was a court room.  At least at one time it was.  There were lots of chairs around the dance floor, a juke box, and I think a pool table.  If you had a date you went, if you didn't have a date you went.  There was always someone to dance with. 

I have great memories of the Youth Center.  Dancing with the really good dancers, not often but sometimes.  Being with friends and laughing, flirting, dancing, did I say dancing enough?    When I was Beta Club Valentine Queen, the crowning and the dance were held there.  Such fun times and such happy memories. 

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