Sunday, July 26, 2015

And the rest of my week went better

My last blog post I shared my shopping trip and my near collapse.  I have recovered from doing too much, and had a pretty good week.

The rest of the week, I didn't do much, watched idiot TV, read a little and played various games of solitaire.   I also cooked with Marty, did dishes, and walked 30 minutes every day. I didn't walk today, church takes a lot of energy.  I have the 30 + minute drive, the service, and today we were checking out the demo for our sanctuary remodel.  A lot of standing and walking, I had a little ankle swelling which always scares me a little.  After legs up in the recliner, the swelling went down.

All in all, I am OK.  I don't hurt, not real nauseated, no trips to the ER.

Tomorrow I have my monthly appointment with my oncologist.  I will tell her about the trouble shopping.  Also I will let her know my recovery was fairly quick.  There probably isn't much she can do about me ignoring warning signs from my body. I will be more careful and maybe ask for a wheelchair when I go shopping.  Maybe I have reached a point where I can't do shopping without help. 

We will see.  Tuesday after chemo, Kirsten is taking shopping for shoes.  Keep your fingers crossed. 

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