Saturday, July 11, 2015

This week's health update

Because of traveling and swollen legs I didn't have chemo for two weeks. Tuesday I was back in the chemo cycle.  And chemo kicked my butt this week.  I am not anyways as sick as last winter.  But I had issues that slowed me down.

I never sleep well the night before chemo, just nerves.  I know it doesn't hurt, but I get anxious.  That was one night of broken sleep. Tuesday night the chemo didn't just break my sleep, it did away with it.  This is a minor side effect ( minor except when it happens to me) sleep pattern messed up.  So about 2 hours sleep.  I planned to nap most of Wednesday, that didn't work.  It didn't matter how tired I was, I couldn't go to sleep.  I did sleep Wednesday night. 

I was really tired all week.  Thursday I slept most of the day and early evening.  Friday I napped several times.  Today I am perkier.

Along with the sleep issues and tiredness, I have been nauseated.  No throwing up, just at the point  my mother used to say, "five minutes before vomiting".  I took my pills and they sort of helped.  I had two days I didn't really eat anything.  I was so nauseated I couldn't even eat chocolate!  That was a first.  I made myself eat yesterday, I can't get gaunt again.

There is some good news.  When I finished the second round of  antibiotics, my legs were still swollen.  My doctor put me on a diuretic.  She felt the skin was stretched and holding fluid.  Within in four days I had ankles again.  The diuretic is now to be taken as needed.

I am not real sick, just not as good as I have been.  We will see how this next Tuesday works. 

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