Monday, October 19, 2015

Couldn't eat or drink, but still had a good time

The last month has been hard: tired, nauseated, chemo taste buds gone wild.  I have been a complaining mess.  Saturday we had some normal.  We hosted the A Team for an afternoon of wine and appetizers.  For new readers click here for info on the A team.

Friday, Marty and I made country ham puffs, a cold lemon soufflé, and lobster cup.  Surprisingly I was able to cook  the first two dishes almost without any help.  We had champagne chilled, cute cocktail napkins and were ready to go.  Now the night before Marty had said we would cancel the party if I didn't feel better. 

Saturday I got up wobbly as a drunken sailor.  I could only walk holding on to walls, banisters, and furniture.  Not a good sign for partying.  The A team arrived and started pulling out food.  Oh my word, did we have food.  And more champagne and wine.  It looked like a party.

Some of the goodness we had to eat.

Many more dishes were brought in to eat.  So many they were crowded on the table.  We had cheesy olive balls, chicken satay, country ham, lobster rolls, figs wrapped in prosciutto, corn dip, tomato  jam, Almond Tart, creme fraiche dip.  I think that is all, sorry A Team if I forgot something.  Chalk it up to chemo brain.

I am sure you are wondering how much of that I was able to eat, precious little.  I tried things, but it all tasted wrong.  But I got enough to have a small meal, and at least did not have to break out the peanut butter.  Peanut Butter was covered in the chicken satay dish.

I pretty much sat in my recliner and let people wait on me.  They brought me food and water and wine.  I stuck with the water.  No champagne for me, dammit.  We laughed, discussed foods, my health, and the missing Texas couple.  Good conversation, good times.

In the top picture you can tell Lew and Hank are holding up.  I am leaning on Lew and Hank is holding onto my waist.  Thank you for not letting me fall.  The bottom picture Hank if still holding me  up.

I love my A Team, and we can't wait until the Texas couple retires and can travel to see us.  Miss you Karl and Deb.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you daily.
    Betty Davenport
