Friday, October 2, 2015

Once again a health update

I have some good news and some bad news.  Let's do the bad first and reward ourselves with the good.

Throw back Thursday almost was throw up Thursday.  Again the Thursday after chemo I was sick.  Yes that awful word diarrhea entered my life starting at 4:30 in the morning and was not controlled until around 10:30.  Of course there was great nausea to go with it.  As I have said before, I do have a cast iron stomach and rarely throw up.  Yesterday I wanted to throw up hoping to feel better.  No such luck. The nausea pills sort of made me  more comfortable.  And I was so terribly tired. 

For lunch I had maybe a quarter cup of applesauce and some water.  I had nothing for supper.  I slept from 11:30 until 9:15 that night.  The only reason I woke up was because my alarm went off to take my meds.  I stayed up a couple of hours and then went back to bed.  I slept 10 more hours. 

Today I feel much better and was able to eat some peanut butter and a chocolate chip cookie for lunch.  For supper I am going to try grilled cheese and tomato soup, the perfect comfort food.  I think this is going to be a way of life again. 

Chemo side effects are accumulative and I have been doing this type since January.   As yucky as yesterday and the other Thursday were, I will take this.  It isn't as awful as last year at this time.  We must hope it says at this level.

Now for a little good news.  Last year early Fall I was told I couldn't go to church.  I was too sick and too many germs to jump on me from bulletins, chairs, friends.  This week(because it is now flu and cold season) I asked when to stop going to church and the lovely Dr. Kuan said keep going as I feel able.  Just no hugging or kisses.  So FCC friends, I will be there hit and miss and we can elbow bump or wave to each other.

Overall doing well.  Not thrilled with Thursdays now, but I've been through much much worse.  I can do this as long as all my friends, family continue their prayers.  YAY Prayer Warriors!!!

1 comment:

  1. Prayers r always w/u & Marty.Good to see ur lovely face the other day via Skype. Love hugs & air kisses!
