Saturday, March 21, 2009

If I had only known 20 minutes ago

Have you ever had something change your day? You plan your day and then the phone rings. And after the call you think, why didn't you call 20 minutes ago? Today I had such a call.

As I have said, on Saturdays I sleep late, putz around, and may or may not do some house work. And I don't dress until mid afternoon. Because I have been so sick, I am still dragging around everyday. Today I slept late, did some laundry, ran the sweeper and a dust mop. And I was exhausted. So I took a shower, I didn't wash my hair because we weren't going out tonight. And I just was too tired to fool with 30 minutes of hair care. I put on minimal makeup and had started to use the curling iron on the wayward bedhead. And then the phone rang.

Marty asked if I felt like going out to a fundraiser for a glass blowing non profit. It was in 5 hours. I of course said yes. I also told him, I wish you had called 20 minutes ago, before my shower. And then I went back into the bathroom, used the hand shower attachment and washed my hair bending over the tub. Of course the water messed up my makeup and I had to redo that. I looked presentable when he arrived home.

We went to Public Glass and saw demos by Paul DeSomma and another artist who did flame work. There was wine, beer, soft drinks and appetizers. For your entry fee you had your pick of blown glasses, goblets, pitchers, jars, or containers to drink out of. Many were really attractive, but some poorly made and dangerously sharp. Some were fairly well done. We took pictures, which may or may not be good. It is really hard to capture hot glass in a picture. Neither of us have downloaded our pix yet. Too late and too lazy. Tomorrow if they are any good I will post the pictures.

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