Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Weddings and Idol

Today was soooooo slow at the marriage factory. I sat from 12:45 until 3:40 without a couple. Then two couples finally showed. And they were so normal, there is nothing to write about. Sorry Noemi.

But tonight we watched the results of American Idol. There were some wrong people in the bottom three. Boring Scott should have been there. Adam ,who I adore, should have been there, he had to have offended everyone in the middle of the country. And my lovely Michael was there.

Michael is so wholesome, cute, and almost really good. He is the weakest link. But he has personality and that is part of being an Idol. He can't last much longer because the others are so much stronger. But he is in the top 10 so should get a recording contract out of this and get out of the oil fields.

Adam, who is an incredible singer, went weird last night. He sang a Johnny Cash song, Ring of Fire, with instruments from India. Not good, but well done. We were really surprised he wasn't in the bottom three. When Middle America heard him they had to have said WTF?

Scott is boring, a weak singer, and blind. And I think his handicap will keep him in longer than he should be. He has no personality, just is a lump. He really needs to show some emotion.

And the girl who went home, Alexis? She is a fabulous singer, entertainer, great looks, and great personality. But she had a bad night, and people didn't get out the vote for her.

And that is what it is all about, who got the vote. As we say in the South, "Vote early and vote often."

1 comment:

  1. I thought Vote early & often is what they said in Boston? Even before they were saying it in Chicago? I'm about halfway through a week & a half of blog, so I got the stories of Sandwich & the Indian couple today. thanks Janet!
