Monday, March 16, 2009


Today was almost a normal day. I worked at school this morning. The first time in two weeks. I did lots of paper work for Ms. H and I worked one on one with two little boys on handwriting and math. It felt good to be back. And it also really tired me out. I came home and rested a little and then took off for the County Building for the weddings.

It was a fairly slow day, only 4 weddings. One couple had bought food and the groom was much more interested in his lunch than the wedding. He was cramming his sandwich in his mouth when I picked them up, in the elevator, and even in the wedding room. He did put it down for the ceremony.

I called a couple's name and the bride walked up to me and said, "Can you do the ceremony here?" I said no and took them upstairs. She explained they were getting married in order to adopt. I did a down and dirty ceremony in about a minute and a half and they were done. The child is hers and her husband couldn't adopt him unless they were married. And there were other regulations that just seemed way too strict. But they went off happy and ready to begin the process of adoption.

And then there was the couple who were gigglers. Picture the bride and her mother in traditional silver saris. He was in a matching outfit. He had recently come here from India and his English was poor. She was a true American girl but of Indian heritage. When we did the vows they fell apart. He tried to pronounce the words in the vows, and they were funny. Her Mother started giggling and then the bride and groom started giggling and laughing. By the end of the ceremony we were all howling. The more he tried the worse it bacame. One of the most fun weddings I have ever done. They later came to one of the counters and asked for a copy of the ceremony. They wanted to see what they had laughed through. A very sweet fun couple.

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