Monday, March 30, 2009

Weddings and more Weddings

Lots and lots of weddings today. I did at least 8 weddings, you know how I lose count. Most were so normal, so in love, so not weird. And the clerk from Hell was busy today.

We sold 37 licenses today and did 14 weddings. Four were done before I got there at 12:45. And then I did 8 and Mari did 2 in Spanish.

The weddings today were sweet, lovely, and they all were oh so in love. One couple just were so sweet and tender. When I pronounced them, they kissed and then they held each other. It was truly love. They were so tender, so in love, and not the get a room stuff. They just held each other and made everyone in the room envy them.

One wedding we did the license 3 times. Guess who was the clerk. You are correct, the clerk from Hell. ( CFH) I checked it over and saw she hadn't written unknown for father and his place of birth. She just put a dash, which the state will not accept. I took it to her and explained she had to spell it out. She looked at me and said, " They should tell us this stuff." This woman has been working the marriage desk since June. This is just basic stuff. Anyway she reprinted it. I had noticed the groom had changed his name, this happens but not often. After the wedding as we are resigning the license, the bride says, I am changing my name. Not Ricardo. Guess what CFH had put the groom, not the bride. So for the third time the license was printed. We got it right finally. The couple was very nice about all the corrections.

CFH had other mistakes on licenses. This woman is in so much trouble. All the staff wants her gone. And yet she showed a side today I had never seen.

As I was leaving she asked me to do one more wedding. She was going to American Sign it, and she asked me to read it. The bride, groom, and witness were all deaf. CFH said it was hard to sign and read the ceremony at the same time. So I put my stuff up and did the wedding. It was interesting to see CFH do something well. She smiled, she made the couple comfortable, she did this so well. In a year I have never her seem happy, comfortable, in control, to seem to care. I told her supervisor what a good job CFH did. And she confirmed CFH is excellent at American sign language. Now if we can just get that to carry over into the rest of her job.

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