Saturday, March 28, 2009

Weddings in general

I know, too many posts again. I am stalling on cleaning house. Blogging is way more fun and not nearly as tiring.

I received an email a couple of days ago on my gmail account. I don't check that one 40 times a day as I do my Yahoo account. I checked this morning and I had an interesting letter. A woman in Louisville, where my family lives and we have lived twice wrote me. I have no idea who she is or how she found my blog. Is she a friend of my brother and his wife. A friend of a friend of mine. Does she know Mother and Papa Jack? Or did she just google weddings and I came up? Who knows?

Anyway she is working with the Courier Journal ( Louisville paper ) and springpad an Internet thing. They are working on a centralized spot for couples to plan their weddings. Vendors, shopping list, guest lists and on and on will be on this site. There will be a kick off event in Louisville on April 2, 2009. She asked me to post the invitation and so I am. The link doesn't work with a hyperlink so I am posting the whole nine yards. )

So all of you in the Louisville area go check it out. And let me know how it goes. When the web site is up I will check it out. If it looks good and would be useful anywhere, I'll post it.

Hey maybe they will send me money for placing an ad. Hint, hint.

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