Tuesday, July 7, 2009


On Sunday we had brunch at the Terrace Room on Lake Merritt. Really a great place, very gracious and affordable. Then we went to see the new Cathedral just a couple of blocks away. Very impressive. And from there, 99 Ranch Market. This is a Chinese grocery chain and they have all kinds of live fish and shellfish. We bought live lobsters, took them home and had a feast.

Monday we were up early so we could use the carpool lane over the bridge. This was a day of true tourist fun. Coffee at the ferry building, and window shopped in all the great food shops. Then we walked through a huge fountain on the Embarcadero. Maybe soon Marty will get pictures to me. Then up to Polk to meet an artist we like. He wasn't open yet, so we went to lunch. A hole in the wall that absolutely glistened with cleanliness. Great meal of comfort food.

We went from there to Fort Point, one of my favorites spots. You are under the Golden Gate Bridge in a Civil War Fort. This is one of the coldest spots you can be and it still be 50 degrees. The rangers always have on heavy coats and gloves. Lots of wind here.

Then back to meet the artist, Douglas Brett. His work is wonderful.

Then to Golden Gate Park. We went to the Conservatory of Flowers, and guess what. Not open on Mondays. Ann and I napped in the car and the Marty and Hank took a hike through the gardens. Then we went to the de Young Museum to go up to the top of its tower. From there are incredible views of the park and the city. Then we walked through the Botanical Gardens, my legs are killing me by now. From there to Ocean beach to watch kite surfers. I don't know the real name. But they are on boogie boards attached to huge kites. Fun to watch. Drinks at the Cliff House and then Chinatown for dinner.

It was a fun tiring day. We packed in a lot of places in a short period of time. And we still have so much more to show them.

Next trip. They flew home today.